Church Volunteers

To support the strong community spirit within St George’s we have introduced a volunteering scheme in the hope that both new and existing parishioners will become involved with the jobs and activities that go on behind the scenes throughout the year. We’ve already had a positive response, but we are always looking to increase our bank of volunteers.

You don’t need to commit to a weekly activity, we would be grateful for your help at any time of the year. Of course, those of you who are willing to contribute more time will be welcomed with open arms!

There are lots of benefits to taking part in the scheme, not only for our church, but for you as an individual. It's a great place to meet new people and it can be very rewarding to give something back to the St George's community.

Our Church is a family of many talents and there are lots of opportunities for everyone to contribute.

You can give Time


You can give Talents


You can give Money


Gift Aiding your donations will add 25% to your gift at no cost to you. For the necessary forms or if you need any information on Gift Aid please contact

If you want to make a donation or set up a monthly standing order our bank details are:

Bank name: RBS
Account name: St George’s Parochial Church Council
Sort Code 16-00-39
Account no. 16383850

If you currently give cash donations to St George’s you may like to consider the alternative of making a regular donation by Standing Order instead. For any information or advice on how to do this just email

Thank you for taking time to read this and for giving thought to your response.

So don't be shy ..... give it a try!!! I hope to see you at one of our activities over the year. For more information or to sign up to the scheme, please contact me via email at Alternatively, you can click on this link for the registration form.

Thanks for your continued support. We are extremely grateful to all those who help keep our church the success it is today.

Rachel Gilkes
Volunteer co-ordinator


How can I give money to St George’s?

St George’s relies on your donations to provide care and support to everyone in this community. Please consider giving generously to support our mission and ministry. 

Regular Giving - Stewardship

We encourage our church members to commit themselves to giving regularly on a weekly basis through the Stewardship Envelope Scheme or monthly through the bank standing order Stewardship Programme.  In either case we ask you to review your commitment every year in line with your circumstances and to keep up with inflation. 

If you choose to use the bank standing order Stewardship Programme then you simply set up a monthly standing order payment at your own bank (suitable forms are available from the Treasurer if you do not bank online).  Your payment will be made every month and you have nothing more to do.  Just pass the collection plate by if it comes to you during any church service and focus on your prayer and worship!  (see bank details below)

Occasional Gifts

You can make one-off or occasional donations by bank transfer (see bank details below)

You can make a gift on this website through “Give a Little” – just click the “Donate” button

When you want to make a gift aided donation or if you are attending a wedding or baptism and want to include a message to the happy couple or the baby you can give online at

or you can use our justgiving page if you want to raise sponsorship funds for us.

Legacy Gifts

For further information see Fr Mike at church or email:

Easy Fundraising

To help support St George’s Church Chorley please consider shopping online with Easy Fundraising.

Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,600 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden and M&S.

Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for St George’s Church Chorley every time, it’s that easy!

Find out more:

St George’s PCC bank details:
Account name: St George’s Parochial Church Council
Sort Code 16-00-39
Account no. 16383850

Thank you for your support




To help fund our church and services, please consider giving an online donation or shopping via Easy Fundraising. Donating via Give A Little or shopping with Easy Fundraising is an easy, safe way to show your appreciation.