All men who worship at St George’s, Chorley may attend this group if they so choose. It is designed to provide an opportunity for the men to meet together in a spirit of friendship and fellowship.
Meetings, held on the second Wednesday of each month, September through to July, are based in the Church Hall, unless visits or other activities, i.e. the annual cookery evening, are planned. The start time is normally 7.30 p.m. and ends around 9.00 p.m. With light refreshments.
There is an annual subscription fee of £5 with a £2 contribution on each occasion we meet.
We try to provide a varied programme of activities to meet the needs of a varied membership: recent meetings have included our annual cookery evening based at the Albany Academy; a talk by Revd. Peter Smith on his spell as a Forces Chaplain, our bowls evening with the Mother’s Union and a talk explaining the concept of “mindfulness” and its application to the working environment.
New members are most welcome. Simply come along to one of our second Wednesday evening meetings or contact one of the existing members, usually after the Sunday 10.00 a.m. service. In addition you can make contact by telephone to Bill (01257/426335) or David (01257/263245).
The joint secretaries are Bill Greenwood OBE and David Horsfield with Bill Walker as our Treasurer.