In 1973 a group of ladies started meeting together and decided to call themselves the Young Wives. More than thirty years later the group continues to meet, with many of the original members still attending, but now with a new name. In 2005 the Young Wives became the St George’s Thursday Ladies’ Circle – or TLC !!!. The new name is, we hope, more inclusive and appropriate, and the initials a reminder of what we seek to offer. Our meetings are open to everyone – on occasions men have attended too!
Ours aims are: to encourage fellowship, to strengthen our witness, to serve the community and to foster links ecumenical links with other women’s church organisations. We hope that our varied programme of speakers, activities and outings includes something to appeal to everyone.
A feature over the years has been that the group has tried to look out into the wider community, at home and abroad. At all our meetings we collect items for International Aid and fill boxes at Christmas for the charity. In response to the appeals for help following the Haitian earthquake, our group filled an Aquabox with essential goods for those who had been left homeless. (There is an article elsewhere describing this very worthwhile scheme in more detail.)
Every year in Autumn we have a fundraising event, often for a local charity or one of particular relevance to the group. We really look forward to these events, providing as they do an opportunity to welcome our friends from other churches as well as our own congregation.